It's no secret that Ingram's Karate Center is heavily present in the traditional karate community and we are excited to announce that over the weekend Ingram's will host Master Tamayose Hidemi of the Ryuku Kobudo Tesshinkan of Okinawa, Japan.
Master John Ingram, along with Master Cindy Ingram (Owners, Ingram's Okinawan Karate in Hudson) will host Master Tamayose as he brings together weapons students from around the world to learn and train in the Ryuku Tesshinkan system.
It's a rare and exciting event to be able to gather together so many high ranking and life-long martial artists under one roof and Ingram's is excited to be able to offer this incredible opportunity to our students.
These seminars will bring together practitioners from multiple states and countries and will be available to students who train at all of the Ingram's locations that want to get a deeper understanding of the ancient Okinawan Weapons styles.
The Ryukyu Kobudo Tesshinkan was created by Tamayose Hidemi in 1999 with permission to create from his Sensei Eisuke Akamine. He teaches Kobudo around the world via seminar as well as his home dojo in Tomigusuku Okinawa.
Included in the visiting instructors and guests from Okinawa, Ingram's will also host senior student Sensei Brian Ash of Montana who began training in the Ryuku Tesshinkan style in 2009 and has made multiple trips to Okinawa to continue his training under his Sensei, Master Tamayose Hidemi.
The seminars will be held at Ingram's Karate Center in Carrollwood and are sure to be a fun and informative event of learning and fellowship for those who follow and love to train in this traditional weapons style.
The Ryuku Kobudo Tesshinkan is a form of Okinawan weapons training that includes the Bo (staff), Sai (3 pronged metal weapon), Nunchaku (made famous by Bruce Lee), Eku (Oar), and many other traditional Okinawan weapons. These seminars will begin on Friday, November 3rd and allow students of the traditional weapons style to train through Sunday during this special event.
It's quite an honor to host such an esteemed guest and Ingram's Karate Center is excited to take part in offering this opportunity to our students who train not only in traditional karate but in Traditional Okinawan Weapons as well.
Karate is a great way to improve your health fitness, focus, and overall well-being. Ingram's is offering a FREE trial class by scanning the code shown, or by selecting to try a Free class on our homepage.
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