As you progress through the ranks, you'll encounter many Japanese terms. Below is a sampling of some common terms you'll want to remember to prepare for testings.
Jodan = Upper Area
Chudan = Middle Area
Gedan = Lower Area
Barai = Sweep
Uke = To receive (we use this word as a translation for the word 'block')
Tegatana = Open Hand
Nuki = Spear
Te = Hand
Ken = Fist
Hiji / Empi = Elbow
No Sakai Kata = Ways of Doing / Method of Doing
(Example: Hiji No Sakai Kata = Methods of Elbow)
Kata = Form
Mae Geri = Front Snap Kick
Mae = Front or Forward (pronounced 'My')
Ne Ate = Thrust (pronounced 'Nay Ah Tay')
Yoko = Side
Soba = Beside
Hiza = Knee
Toshi = Squat or Drop
(Adding the sound O before a word elevates it to larger or bigger.
Example, O Toshi Geri = Big Drop Kick)
Dachi = Stance
Sei Za = Proper Sitting
Sei Ken = Proper Fist
Do = Way
Budo = Martial Way
Dojo = School
Sensei = One Who Came Before (we use this word as a translation for the word 'teacher')
Kiotsuke = Attention
Rei = Bow
O Negai Shimasu = Thank you for Teaching me
Gi = Uniform
Obi = Belt
Shomen = Head or Main (Most Important or Highest Importance)
Kumi = To engage
Te = Hand
Kumi Te = Engagement of Hands (we use this as a translation for the word sparring)
Kobudo = Ancient Martial Way (we use this as a translation for the word weapons)
Ush / Mate / Yamae = Stop
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu = Thank you very much
Waza = Technique
Shiai = Tournament / Contest
Suki = Punch
Aka = Red
Shiro = White
Wazari = Half Point
Ippon = Full Point
Mubobi = Penalty given for failure to protect oneself
Jogai = Penalty given for going out of bounds
Chukoku = Penalty given for using techniques in an unsafe manner
No Kachi = Winner
Yowai = Too Weak
Maai = Improper Distance
Hayai = Indicates which athletes technique hit first
San Bon = 3 point
Shobu = Game / Match
Hajime = Begin